Life. Parrots. Eyeliner. – We’re all just winging it. *** Did you just giggle? Visit That’s for the Birds!

You’re ready to make a difference with your voice.


~ Self-Guided Study ~

Coming Soon!

Subscribe to get a free mini-course and be notified of the launch of our new Self-Guided Study. Be one of the first to know about this meticulously designed class for the self-motivated individual ready to level-up their communication skills!

~ Encore ~

1:1 Coaching

Have an upcoming speech, presentation, or workshop you’re dreading? Getting stuck trying to verbalize something as “simple” as your own bio? Wondering how you can stand out as a speaker?

~ Elevate ~

Advanced Coaching

Already know the fundamentals? Creating a massive action plan for your passion project? Want long-term support, guidance, and instruction on how to authentically communicate all the details of your vision to your audience?

There’s always a backstory…

Standing in the courtroom, I faced the jury box, and waited. The panel of judges for the mock trial competition was about to give me feedback on my closing argument. Thank goodness I didn’t want to be a courtroom attorney! Otherwise, I would have been a ball of nerves.

It was the first time in my life that I had been able to let go of being a perfectionist and not care about my performance. And actually…that was exactly what allowed me to shed my ego and open up to finally understand how EXCITING communicating with others could be!

I took in the judges’ comments – ranging from complimentary to quite critical – and thought, “Hold up…I can handle this!” Not only that…I wanted to. Was I vulnerable, terrified, and standing on an uncontrollably shaking right leg the whole time? You bet. But I was making MAGIC! And implementing the judges’ feedback would only make my magic more impressive…

This experience of presenting, receiving critique, and self-evaluating taught me that…

Communicating effectively is an artform. It’s refreshingly challenging…and unbelievably empowering. Maybe you’re not the best speaker in the world – but if you remain open, study yourself and the material, and practice, you totally could be!

Thriving off of these feelings and my new understanding, I had a mind-blowing realization: the potential for the impact you can make with this skill is limitless.

Opening myself up to the possibility of becoming a master communicator completely changed the trajectory of my career and my life. In my coaching practice, I’ve watched my clients undergo transformational change time and time again as I help them confidently develop and gain comfort in their unique communication style.

I know you’re curious to see how communication can change your life.

So, what are you waiting for?

Choose the path that’s right for you:


Self-Guided Study

Coming Soon!

Subscribe to get a free mini-course and be notified of the launch of our new Self-Guided Study. Be one of the first to know about this meticulously designed class for the self-motivated individual ready to level-up their communication skills!

~ Encore ~

1:1 Coaching

From fundamentals to fabulous, this comprehensive 1:1 coaching experience will transform your mindset and approach to communication. With lessons customized to your learning style, you can take comfort in your knowledge of communication theory, create without distraction, and have confidence in your practical skills as you rock your next big event!

~ Elevate ~

Advanced Coaching

A program for the master communicator who knows the fundamentals, but wants to gain deeper insights while applying higher-level communication skills in their specific field of interest. From brainstorming content to detailed instruction on advanced techniques tailored to your goals and projects, this 1:1 coaching mentorship covers all the bases. Spoiler alert: we still have a lot of fun.